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Posted Oct 06, 2022
With over 450 events to choose from in the Melbourne Fringe Festival, we've selected just ten of our favourite shows featuring queer artists and performers! From drag, to cabaret, to comedy, to music, to live readings - there's something for everyone.

Anna Piper Scott: Such An Inspiration
A controversial stand up show that "puts the trans in transgressive"
A controversial stand up show that "puts the trans in transgressive"
Where: Trades Hall - Old Council Chambers
When: 6 - 23 October
Price: $20-$28

‘A Rainbow of Tomorrows’ Exhibition
A group exhibition exploring Blak queer futurism
Where: Koorie Heritage Trust - Ground Floor Gallery & Digital Fringe
When: 9 Oct - 12 Nov
Price: Free

Bleep Bloop
A pop-comedy album by multi-award winning comedian Lou Wall!
A pop-comedy album by multi-award winning comedian Lou Wall!
Where: Trades Hall - Quilt Room & Shorts Place Social
When: 18 - 23 October
Price: $15-30

Breasts Become Her
A Tale of Two Titties
A Tale of Two Titties
Where: Trades Hall - Meeting Room & Shorts Place Social
When: 15 - 22 October
Price: $20-30 (free tickets for Mob)

Have you left your imaginary friend alone for far too long? Have they putrefied in your absence?
Have you left your imaginary friend alone for far too long? Have they putrefied in your absence?
Where: The Butterfly Club - Upstairs
When: 17 - 23 October
Price: $30-37

Heave ho (and hoes!) ‘tward the party cruise of a lifetime upon the almighty... Spirit of Tasmania.
Heave ho (and hoes!) ‘tward the party cruise of a lifetime upon the almighty... Spirit of Tasmania.
Where: Trades Hall - Common Rooms
When: 17 - 23 October
Price: $23-28

A queer glitter bomb of an event where men are from mars and women are eating them.
A queer glitter bomb of an event where men are from mars and women are eating them.
Where: Trades Hall - Solidarity Hall
When: 6 - 14 October
Price: $15-30

Stripped Queer
An evening of readings showcasing queer artists reading original works, completely naked.
An evening of readings showcasing queer artists reading original works, completely naked.
Where: Harehole Melbourne
When: 6 - 15 October
Price: $15-25

The Big D
Experience a hilarious, heartfelt & raw tale of Drag, Drinking and Determination.
Experience a hilarious, heartfelt & raw tale of Drag, Drinking and Determination.
Where: Victorian Pride Centre - Theatrette
When: 14-16 October
Price: $19-26

Drag and burlesque at its very best!
Drag and burlesque at its very best!
Where: The Parlour
When: 14 - 15 October
Price: $27-35